Popcorn, glorious popcorn.
Whether you’re diving into a bucket of popcorn at the movie theater or tucking into a bowl of stovetop popcorn at home, there’s no better snack than freshly popped corn.
If you’re anything like us, you’ve spent a fair amount of time enjoying this delicious snack. But have you ever thought about where popcorn comes from, which types of corn can be used to make popcorn, or how it is made?
Well, this post is here to answer these questions. We'll be sharing the history of popcorn, how it’s made, and how it’s prepared for popping, so you can impress your friends with fun popcorn trivia at your next movie night.
Where Exactly Does Popcorn Come From?
The Midwest may be known for its dedication to sports teams, unbeatable landscapes, and for being home to almost all of the states beginning with “I” (we’re looking at you Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa).
But more importantly, it's home to the Corn Belt of the United States. The Corn Belt covers several Midwestern states including Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska. These states have dominated corn production in the U.S. since the 1850s — that’s a whole lot of corn!
The next time someone asks you “Where does popcorn come from?” you can confidently tell them that the Midwest is where most of today’s popcorn is grown. However, popcorn has grown all over the world.
The first known popcorn dates back to 1948 in New Mexico where small heads of corn were found in a dry cave known as the “bat cave.”
The type of corn that was found in New Mexico is the same plant that produces popcorn in the Midwest today — the Zea mays everta variation. These kernels were apparently so well preserved that they still popped when placed in hot oil. Several popped kernels of popcorn were also discovered in the cave. Those kernels have been carbon-dated and are thought to be approximately 5,600 years old.
Modern-Day Popcorn
These days, you’re less likely to associate popcorn with bat caves, and far more likely to think of movie theaters, game nights, carnivals, concerts, and other fun activities.
Popcorn as you know it began growing in popularity during the Great Depression in the 1930s. During this time, it was considered an accessible and affordable snack that didn't compromise on flavor.
Movie theater popcorn was then introduced during World War II when theaters started putting popcorn machines in their lobbies. As it turned out, selling popcorn was far more profitable than the actual movie tickets themselves! Even to this day, popcorn stands strong as the go-to snack when you’re watching a movie.
The popcorn industry had truly popped and this delicious snack was everywhere. Picking up on the popularity of popcorn, Orville Redenbacher brought the snack to grocery stores in the 1970s and, subsequently, into homes all over the US.
Many people believe Orville Redenbacher to be the person who invented popcorn. While he may not have invented it, he sure did skyrocket its popularity.
Later in the 1980s, Generals Mills started creating microwave popcorn so people everywhere could enjoy the taste of freshly popped popcorn in the comfort of their homes. Since then, the popcorn industry has continued to grow and evolve bringing many different flavors, brands, and even machines for making tasty popcorn at home.
What Kind of Corn Is Popcorn Made From?
Corn is a whole grain that has become a staple food in modern days. Tens of thousands of different corn plants exist in the world today. The variety of corn that exists today is typically categorized into six main types of corn:
- Dent corn (or field corn)
- Flint corn
- Popcorn
- Flour corn
- Sweet corn
- Pod corn
Other types of corn do exist and, believe it or not, not all types of corn turn into popcorn. Neither field corn nor sweet corn, for example, will pop. You'll need to find the right corn for the job first if you want to make popcorn. The sweet corn stored in your refrigerator or pantry sadly won’t pop into popcorn.
The type of corn used to make popcorn is, you guessed it, popcorn. It's a type of flint corn that resembles the traditional corn on the cob. However, the difference between other types of corn and popcorn is that popcorn kernels expand and puff up when heated — turning into the tasty snack we all know and love.
Popcorn kernels grow in rows on a cob, making an ear of corn. Each ear of corn is surrounded by a protective husk. One ear of corn contains somewhere between 750 to 1000 individual kernels.
FUN FACT: These kernels grow in symmetrical rows and there is almost always an even number of rows per ear, thanks to the genetics of the corn plant!
What Is Popcorn Made Up Of?
Speaking of genetics, let’s take a quick look at the makeup of the popcorn kernel as we familiarize ourselves with this tasty snack.
The popcorn kernel is made up of three components: the pericarp, endosperm, and germ. The pericarp, also known as the hull, is the outermost cover of the kernel. The pericarp is made of cellulose and is usually white or yellow.
Underneath the strong pericarp is the endosperm. The endosperm is the starchy carbohydrate on the inside of the kernel. For popcorn kernels, this endosperm has a high moisture content which generates steam and causes the popcorn to pop.
Deep within the kernel is the germ, or embryo. The germ is the living part of the popcorn kernel containing essential genetic information, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.
Some strains of corn are grown specifically for popcorn, including the Zea mays everta variety of flint corn — the very corn discovered in that cave in New Mexico in the 1940s. The popcorn plant is favored by farmers for its stronger stalks, offering fewer unpopped kernels, and better grain color.
The two main types of kernels produced by popcorn plants are pearl popcorn and rice popcorn. Pearl popcorn has a round shape and is usually yellow, while rice popcorn is white and more elongated. These kernels differ in shape and color, but they both hold the same great flavors once the corn pops.
Preparing Popcorn for Popping
Popcorn doesn’t just magically pop on its own. It needs to be prepared for popping. The preparation process for popping popcorn kernels involves drying and heating the kernels.
After the corn is harvested, it’s dried in a dehydrator container engineered to optimize the moisture content of the kernels for popping. On average, a popcorn kernel needs to maintain a moisture level of 14% to be able to pop.
The kernels then need to be heated after they're dried. Popcorn pops at roughly 400–600°F. While it’s possible for it to pop at a lower temperature, sticking to this range offers the best results.
There are a few methods you can use to make your popcorn pop. You could microwave popcorn, use an air popper, or try cooking popcorn on stovetop.
If you want to emulate the nostalgic taste of movie theater popcorn, we recommend using the Popsmith Popper. Our stovetop popcorn popper uses the same technique as movie theater popcorn machines, keeping the kernels in constant motion using a patented spinner. Here’s a step-by-step guide that shows you how it works.
Discover More Ways to Eat This Delicious Snack
Popcorn is a versatile food with a rich history. From the caves of New Mexico to the fields of Nebraska, the history of popcorn sure is colorful.
While most popcorn today is made in the United States, popcorn is a mouthwatering snack made and enjoyed all over the world. This much-loved snack can be found in most households. We expect it’ll stay that way thanks to its versatility and endless seasoning opportunities!
Whether you’re looking for the tastiest popcorn seasoning ideas, want to know which oil works best for popcorn, or simply need a guide to making the best popcorn possible, look no further than the Popsmith blog.
If you’re ever in need of some snacking inspiration, we have plenty of content for you to tuck into!